NS Intercity 1982
Venlo-Eindhoven-Rotterdam-Den Haag Centraal
Captured at Venlo on June 25, 2002

Venlo stn
<Cover Photograph>
A yardman passed through the platform #2 at Venlo with a coach of the IC1982 in the back.
It was just after the sunset and the shot with a speed light made a impressive reflection.


NS Intercity No. 1982 leaves Venlo on 22:02 bound for Den Haag Centraal. On June 25, 2002, I was waiting at the platform #2 of Venlo for a DB train service to Koeln. The NS IC1982 was waiting for connecting passengers at the platform #1. Here is the coach line-up overview. Then it was unusual for me to capture each coach by a degital camera but I eventually did it just as a time killer.

A month after coming back to Japan, I was surprized by the members of the Web/BBS site of "Railways in Germany" that most coaches of the IC 1982 were the new class ICK coaches, rebuilt from the ex-DB Bm235 2nd-class compartment coaches.
The ICK coaches have just released in the early spring of 2002. Some have been rebuilt to first class coaches and some provided with a new door. Please check details of the images below.

Each image was captured on June 25, 2002, Venlo, the Netherlands, by NANNA Go, using Nikon Coolpix5000 digital camera.

Special thanks to Railways in Germany BBS (in Japanese).

Captured just after flushing soap to clean up the front glass.
I have never seen the soap flusher in Japan.

50 84 12-37 020-9 (1st class coach), 140, NS
This is really a remake of ex-DB Bm235 2nd class compartment coach.
Compartment room side is seen.

50 84 82-37 054-3 (2nd class coach), 140, NS
Equipped with a new double-side-open door in between the two original doors.

50 88 82-37 405-1 (2nd class coach), 140 X, Belgium color
NS uses SNCB(Belgian Railways) K4 series coaches.
The K4 series is again orginated in SNCF(French railways) coach of either of UIC-Y or USI.
This coach is originated in SNCF UIC-Y.

50 88 20-37 331-5 (2nd class coach), 140 X, Belgium color.
A K4 series 2nd class coach originated in SNCF USI coach.

50 88 18-37 411-0 (1st class coach), 140 X, Belgium color.
A K4 series 1st class coach originated in SNCF USI coach.

50 84 22-37 928-1 (2nd class coach), 140, NS
An ICK series 2nd class coach orignated in ex-DB Bm235.
Compartment room side is seen.

50 84 22-37 901-8 (2nd class coach), 140, NS
An ICK series 2nd class coach orignated in ex-DB Bm235.
Aisle side is seen.

50 84 12-37 005-0
50 84 12-37 005-0 (1st class coach), 140, NS
An ICK series 1st class coach orignated in ex-DB Bm235.
Aisle side is seen.

50 84 22-37 969-5 (2nd class coach), 140, NS
An ICK series 2nd class coach orignated in ex-DB Bm235.
Aisle side is seen as
50 84 22-37 901-8.
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